Sunday 1 July 2012

My Weekly At Home Facial

Hello Lovelies

I wanted to share my weekly at home facial as I thought it may help others. I also like reading about peoples skincare routines and the products they use so hopefully you may find this interesting too.

Unfortunately I do not have perfect skin, in fact it is acne prone and oily which means that I constantly have to reapply my makeup throughout the day *yawns*. However I do find that when I have done this facial my skin appears much calmer, smoother and for a few minutes I forget about my spots! Just a quick boring disclaimer I am by no means a skincare expert, and the products mentioned work for me but may not necessarily work for you.

I started doing this facial after watching a YouTube video by Annie Jaffrey you can watch the video here, which I adapted to my skin and the products I am using.

Here are the products I use;

Left to right *Caudalie Beauty Elixir* *Nutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser*

*Origins Clear Improvement Mask* *Origins Super Spot Remover*

*Origins Modern Friction* and a sample of *Origins Overnight Drink Up Mask*

To a clean, dry face I apply the Clear Pore Cleanser and give it a good massage in before removing it using a hot flannel. Next I use Modern Friction to exfoliate my face before washing it off. Thirdly I apply the charcoal mask just to my T-zone and chin as this is where I am oily and where I get my spots! When this is dry I use a face sponge from Boots to remove it, pat my face dry then spritz Beauty Elixir onto a cotton pad and apply to any areas that are spotty as a toner. I use a cotton bud to apply the Super Spot Remover directly to spots strangely enough! (:

I have only just started using the Overnight Drink Up Mask and thought it was a good idea to rehydrate my skin after drying it out from exfoliation and masks!

As I said before I am not an expert and when I went to see the doctor about my skin, although its not as bad as some other peoples it does get me down, they just told me to try different products to see what works. (Great advice I thought...!) So after LOTS of trial and error I seem to have found a skincare routine that appears to be working! (Crosses fingers in hope that I haven't jinxed it!)

I also found lots of great advice on the Beauty Mouth blog written by Caroline Hirons, it is definitely worth checking out. Caroline often runs a clinic where you can ask her advice. Advice I've taken from there is to take fish oils, wash my cleanser off with a hot flannel,  and use Liquid Gold. (:

I hope this is helpful and I would love to know what products you use in your skincare routine! (:

Thank you for reading (:


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